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Earth 2160 announced

Reality Pump Studios, the developer behind the recent World War III: Black Gold, unveils a new online game in its real-time strategy series.


Germany-based game developer Reality Pump Studios has announced its upcoming online real-time strategy game, Earth 2160. The game is the successor to 1999's real-time strategy game Earth 2150, and it will feature a powerful new graphics engine called Earth III, which uses Beziere curves rather than polygons to form 3D objects. The developer will release more information about the new game engine in the next few weeks. Reality Pump expects the game engine to reach the beta stage of development by the end of 2001.

Earth 2160 is scheduled for release by Zuxxez Entertainment near the end of 2002. For more information, take a look at our full review of the previous game in the series, Earth 2150 .

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