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Elden Ring Closed Technical Test Invites Are Being Sent Out Now

If you applied for the closed test, you should check your email now.


Invites for From Software's Elden Ring technical test have started going out ahead of its start later this week--as have emails informing those who signed up but were not selected to participate.

Invites began appearing in inboxes of applicants earlier today, starting with players in the EU and Asia before rolling out in North America. If you applied for the network test and have been selected, you should have an email from publisher Bandai Namco right now with instructions on how to download and get ready for the limited test this weekend, which will let you play a portion of the game with up to five classes.

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Now Playing: Elden Ring Gameplay Preview Breakdown

If you are lucky enough to have been selected, you can download the game now and, at the very least, hang out with other players in the main menu while soaking in the game's theme. Some players have already ripped the game's main menu music and thrown it up on YouTube, just in case you're feeling left out.

From Software released an in-depth breakdown of Elden Ring's gameplay last week, with over 20 minutes of footage showing off exploration, combat, stealth, and a lot of the world that the studio has crafted for its latest new IP. Elden Ring launches on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, PS5, and PC on February 25.

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