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Fable III DLC unearths Understone Nov. 23

Lionhead will bring new subterranean quest to good-or-evil action adventure next week for $5; hair, dog-enhancing add-ons also en route.

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Lionhead Studios supported 2008's Fable II with a healthy helping of post-release downloadable content, and it appears as if the British outfit will take the same tack with Fable III. Today, Lionhead announced Fable III's first batch of downloadable content, saying gamers can expand their experience in the warmly received action adventure with three new activities on November 23.

In the Fable III Understone Quest Pack, players will uncover a subterranean town built beneath the streets of Bowerstone. Carved out by eccentric inventor Montague Hummes, Understone offers players a host of new houses and stores to own. It also plays home to a mystery, and gamers will be presented with a new moral decision in their effort to uncover the origins of a "voice" that controls the city's denizens.

Underground shrubbery is the true mystery at the heart of Understone.
Underground shrubbery is the true mystery at the heart of Understone.

Beyond the main quest line, the Fable III add-on also includes the new Shooting Range minigame, which is set in a mercenary camp-turned-tourist attraction. Lastly, the DLC pack includes the Wheel of Misfortune minigame, an arena-based combat challenge set within the old home of Reaver, the ex-pirate turned slaver from Fable III.

The Fable III Understone Quest Pack will be available to Xbox 360 owners for 400 Microsoft points ($5). On the same day, Lionhead will also be releasing the Exclusive Hair Pack for MSP 160 ($2) and 5 Star Dog Potion for MSP 80 ($1).

For more on Fable III, check out GameSpot's previous coverage.

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