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Final Fantasy 15 Multiplayer Comrades Beta Begins Today On PS4/Xbox One

A limited slice of the Comrades expansion can be tried out for the next few days.


Final Fantasy XV begins its transformation today from a single-player-only RPG to one with an online multiplayer component. Square Enix today has kicked off the PS4 and Xbox One beta for Final Fantasy XV's multiplayer expansion, Comrades.

The Comrades beta allows players to create a character and team up with three other people online. It offers access to a select amount of content from the full experience; among other things, you don't level up, only some locations and weapons are included, there are only a handful of quests, and customization options are limited. Worry not, however, as you can dress up in a full-body Chocobo suit if you so desire.

In order to take part in the beta, you'll need to own the base game and its season pass in addition to a PlayStation Plus or Xbox Live Gold membership, depending on your platform of choice. When Comrades officially launches in full, season pass owners will receive it for free, or you'll be able to purchase it for an as-of-yet undisclosed price.

An official release date for Comrades hasn't been announced, but this beta (or Closed Online Test, as Square Enix calls it) is scheduled to run until August 8. The official website notes this is a "projected" date, suggesting that could change--betas often run longer than expected. And this is an actual test, as Square Enix warned players on Twitter of potential issues that may arise: "We'll try to ensure things run smoothly but please remember that this is still an online test."

Final Fantasy XV's big July update launched recently, adding the long-delayed Magitek Exosuits and a new Cross Chain system, as well as bringing back the Moogle Chocobo Carnival for a limited time. Additionally, the RPG's signature vehicle, the Regalia, has made its way to Forza Horizon 3.

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