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Final Fantasy X update

Square releases thirty-one new screenshots from Final Fantasy X and reveals several new details on the game.


Square Electronic Arts, the North American publishing arm for SquareSoft, has released further details on and new screenshots from Final Fantasy X for the Sony PlayStation 2. One of the primary themes in the game is that of travel. Players will be encouraged to actively explore the large real-time 3D-world map in the game. The world itself, unlike previous Final Fantasy games, is designed with strong Asian influences--the architecture in particular will borrow elements from traditional Asian styles. Naturally, the 3D world will be teeming with enemy creatures and players will have to take part in random battles. Unlike the most recent games in the series, Final Fantasy X will feature a simplistic battle system that will let players seamlessly switch between characters during battle, and equip armor and weapons.

The two lead characters, Tidus and Yuna, will be from two vastly different social classes and this will constantly come into play as they interact and travel with one another. The characters in Final Fantasy X are motion captured and Square promises that it will take advantage of the PS2 hardware by producing highly detailed character models. Tesuya Nomura, who is the character designer for such games as The Bouncer, Parasite Eve, and Final Fantasy VII, designed the models in FFX.

As reported previously, Square plans to include several new mini-games in Final Fantasy X. Aside from the sport of Blitz-ball, players will be able to hunt for specific clues in order to master the fictional language of Al Bhed. Final Fantasy X will be release on July 19 for the Japanese PlayStation 2. The North American release is currently planned for early 2002.

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