Final Fantasy XIV Is Giving Players Another Shot At Final Fantasy XV's Car
For the first time since 2019, players will be able to participate in a Final Fantasy XV crossover event for Square Enix's MMO.
Final Fantasy XIV is bringing back its limited-time Final Fantasy XV crossover event "A Nocturne for Heroes," and with it comes another chance for players to score a mount modelled after the Regalia Type-F.
Just like in Final Fantasy XV, which saw Noctis and friends embarking on a road trip across the world of Eos while riding in a car that eventually became capable of flight, the version of the Regalia Type-F appearing in Square Enix's MMO can fit up to four players and also flies. The event begins September 13 and lasts until October 18, and will only be the second time the mount has been available, with the first chance happening back in 2019.
Players will need to be at least level 50 and have completed the main scenario quest "The Ultimate Weapon" before being able to participate in the crossover event's questline. After completing the questline, players can then purchase the Regalia from the Gold Saucer. Those who completed the quests back in 2019 can replay them this time around, but won't be able to earn quest rewards a second time. Other items coming as part of the event include armor and hairstyles modeled off Final Fantasy XV's Noctis.
Final Fantasy XIV in 2021 is more popular than ever before, breaking concurrent player records and resulting in some of the game's most populated servers no longer accepting new characters. With Final Fantasy XIV's population booming, the event is a great opportunity for newer players to score some of the rewards that veterans have had for years.
The game's uptick in popularity comes in part thanks to major World of Warcraft streamers playing Final Fantasy XIV for the first time. The game has since become a haven for "WoW refugees" who have left Blizzard's longrunning MMO behind over the state of its Shadowlands expansion and a recent state of California lawsuit that alleges Blizzard has a history of harassment and discrimination towards women.
Final Fantasy XIV's next expansion, Endwalker, is set to release November 23.
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