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Final Fantasy XV On Google Stadia Has An Extra Feature

Final Fantasy with the other cloud.


Google Stadia launches today, and among the day one offerings is the Square Enix RPG Final Fantasy XV. The Stadia version actually comes with some extra bells and whistles, in the form of a new series of challenge modes.

As detailed in a tweet from the studio, the Stadia version includes all four DLC episodes, the Royal Pack and Comrades multiplayer, the Booster Pack, and the Holiday Pack. But the new content comes in the form of four new challenges, which the official page describes as a set of mini-games.

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The four modes include the Challenge Rally driving mode, Expert Duel, Endless Magitech Armor, and Magna Flight. You can see brief clips of each mode in action in the video below.

Final Fantasy XV is priced at $40, but it's only $30 if you're a Stadia Pro member. You can check out the prices for the full launch lineup and plan your purchases accordingly. For the time being, Stadia is going out to purchasers of the Founder's Edition, which includes a Pro membership for three months.

So far reviews of Stadia have been fairly mixed and negative, with many critics agreeing that the technology is promising but not quite up to snuff yet. GameSpot's review-in-progress was similarly mixed.

"So far, Google's tech has impressed me to the point where I would comfortably play most in a browser tab or on a phone without batting an eye, but then I consider that I will have to buy the vast majority of games, and I'm left in awe of the value Microsoft and Sony are offering, even if their overall services lack Stadia's flexibility," Peter Brown wrote. "For the moment, cloud gaming still feels like a decent alternative to the real thing, and I don't think I'm ready to dedicate a full-price game purchase to a secondary platform."

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