The Week 10 challenges for Fortnite are now available, which means Season 9 is coming to an end. Before the official switch arrives, however, another new Fortbyte has appeared in the battle royale game, and the clue to where you can find it rests within the special loading screen you'll unlock when you complete Season 10's Utopia challenge.
The Fortbyte in question is number 33. Much like the secret Battle Stars you can collect after completing odd-numbered Utopia challenges, the only in-game hint you'll receive to the item's whereabouts is tied to the aforementioned loading screen, which you can take a look at below. However, the clue isn't within the loading screen itself, but rather in its description, which reads, "You're a long, long way from Lonely Lodge..."
Naturally, this means Fortbyte #33 is hidden in Lonely Lodge, which is located on the eastern edge of the island. However, the Fortbyte isn't with the main lodge, but rather inside a smaller cabin to the east of it. We've marked its exact location on the map below. If you need a more visual guide, you can watch us collect the Fortbyte in the video above.

Unlock the aforementioned secret Battle Stars you can collect for completing this season's Utopia challenges, you don't actually need to finish the corresponding tasks before you can find these Fortbytes; you simply need to own a Season 9 Battle Pass. That means you're free to go collect the item even if you haven't unlocked the above loading screen. However, you will want to complete as many challenges as you can this season, as that's the only way to quickly level your Battle Pass up and unlock rewards. If you need help, we have tips and guides in our complete Fortnite Season 9 challenges roundup.
Ahead of Week 10's challenges, Epic released Fortnite's third 9.30 content update. Much like the previous week's, this update was a minor one, introducing a single new item to Battle Royale mode: the Air Strike, a throwable canister that calls in a hail of missiles on opponents and structures. Season 10 still isn't slated to start for a few more weeks according to Epic's website, but the developer has already announced the game's minimum PC requirements will be changing as of next season.