Fortnite Spray Cans (Season 10 Guide): Where To Find 5 Lost Spray Cans For Spray & Pray Challenge
Here's a map and guide showing you where to find five lost spray cans in Fortnite: Battle Royale.
We've just about reached the midpoint of Season 10 of Fortnite: Battle Royale now, but Battle Pass holders still have plenty of time to complete challenges from earlier in the season. That includes those from Week 2's Spray and Pray missions. Most of the challenges in that set vaguely revolve around graffiti, like the one that asks you to find lost spray cans. If you're unsure of where to look, we've put together this guide showing you where to go.
Where Are The Spray Can Locations?
The spray cans you need to find for this challenge are hidden all across Fortnite's island, and they're quite small, making it difficult to track them down if you don't already know where to look. There are several of them in total scattered around the map, but you only need to find five to finish the task. We've marked down the locations of the ones we've spotted below.

- Junk Junction: Next to a pile of garbage at the top of the area
- Viking village: Next to the tree at the foot of the waterfall
- Umbrella-shaped mine: Next to a stack of barrels at the bottom of the area
- Pressure Plant: Next to a pillar at the bottom of the lava stream
- Shifty Shafts: Enter the mine, then make a left and break through the wall
- Next to a tent near the nightclub northeast of Happy Hamlet
- South of Paradise Palms, next to a tree near the scrapyard
How To Complete The Challenge
Once you know where to look, completing the challenge is simply a matter of going to the right areas, then walking up to the spray cans and searching them. You'll know you're close to one when you see graffiti scrawled on a nearby object or wall--that's your signal there's a spray can nearby. Once you've searched five of the cans, the challenge will be complete and you'll earn 10 Battle Stars for your trouble.
Developer Epic Games is handling challenges a little differently this season. This time, the studio is grouping missions into different themed sets, like the aforementioned Spray and Pray tasks. These are only available to Battle Pass holders; unlike past seasons, Epic is no longer offering some challenges for free to everyone, so you'll need to pick up a pass if you want to get access to these missions. If you need help completing some of this season's objectives, you can find maps and guides in our ongoing Fortnite Season 10 challenges roundup.
Fortnite Season 10 Coverage
- Fortnite Season 10 Battle Pass: Skins, Price, How It Works, And More
- Fortnite Season 10 Battle Pass Rewards: Skins, Emotes, Back Bling, Pets, And More
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- Fortnite Season 10: Big Changes To How Daily & Weekly Challenges Work
- Fortnite Season 10 Map Changes: Rift Zones, Comet, Skeleton, And More
- Fortnite 10.00 Content Update: Titled Town, Automatic Sniper Rifle, And More
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