Fortnite's Week 4 challenges of Season 9 are now live across PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC, and mobile, which means players on all platforms have another chance to rack up Battle Stars and unlock more of this season's new skins and other cosmetics. That also means you can now complete another one of Season 9's Utopia challenges if you can finish all seven tasks from a given week, and this time, your reward for doing so will lead to another secret Fortbyte.
Just as in previous seasons, completing a Utopia challenge will unlock a special loading screen, which will serve as your key to finding a free item hidden somewhere around the game's map. In the past, this item would be either a Battle Star (which levels your Battle Pass up by one tier) or a Banner (which could be used as a profile icon) depending on how many weekly sets of challenges you completed. Battle Stars are still up for grabs in Season 9, but this time, Epic has replaced the Banners with the aforementioned Fortbytes, which are new collectible to find throughout the season.
There are 100 Fortbytes in total to collect, many of which are tied to their own challenges. Each one looks like a computer chip and unlocks a portion of a larger picture. However, the clue to finding a handful of these Fortbytes lies with the loading screens you unlock by completing Utopia challenges. That's the case for Fortbyte #91. Contrary to what you may expect, the clue isn't hidden within the loading screen itself, but rather its description, which reads, "Sandstorm and Scimitar race to the Keyboard King ATM and the winner always gets paid."

As the description suggests, Fortbyte #91 is found in the ATM by Keyboard King, one of the stores located in Paradise Palms. Make your way to the area and smash the ATM in question to reveal the hidden Fortbyte. If you need help finding it, we've marked its exact location on the map below. You can also watch where we go to find the Fortbyte in the video at the top of this guide.
While secret Battle Stars will only appear once you've completed their corresponding Utopia challenge, this Fortbyte is available to everyone who has purchased a Season 9 Battle Pass. If you fall into that category, you simply head to the right area and collected it even if you haven't completed Week 4's Utopia challenge and unlocked the aforementioned loading screen. If you do need help completing this season's challenges, however, you can find tips and guides in our complete Fortnite Season 9 challenges roundup.

Epic recently rolled out Fortnite's 9.10 content update, which introduced another new weapon to the game: the Burst SMG, which comes in common, uncommon, and rare varieties. To make room for it, however, the developer vaulted the Suppressed Submachine Gun. That isn't the only thing of note to happen in Fortnite recently; players have also discovered a mysterious giant eyeball encased in ice beneath Polar Peak. It's unclear what this means, but many are speculating it could lead to some kind of community event.