Fortnite's big monster battle is over, which means we're nearing the end of Season 9. There's still time to complete any outstanding challenges before Season 10 begins, however, including Week 7's challenges. Not only will finishing these tasks help level your Season 9 Battle Pass up and unlock more of this season's cosmetic rewards, an extra bonus awaits if you can clear all seven challenges from a given week: a special loading screen that points to a free item hidden somewhere around the map.
The loading screen is the reward for completing one of Season 9's Utopia challenges, and the item they point to varies by the week. Each even-numbered Utopia challenge will lead you to a Fortbyte, a new kind of collectible to find in Season 9. Odd-numbered Utopia challenges, on the other hand, will guide you to a free Battle Star, which will level your Battle Pass up by one full tier once collected.
Complete seven weeks' worth of Season 9 challenges and you'll unlock the loading screen pictured below. This week's screen is set in the Pressure Plant, the new facility located where Season 8's volcano stood. The clue this time should be fairly easy to spot; look on the left side of the picture and you'll see a Battle Star on the set of stairs. That's where you'll find it in the game.

Make your way to the Pressure Plant after you jump into a match and locate the stairs featured in the loading screen--the Battle Star will be floating in the air there, just as teased. Build your way up to it to collect it, then finish the match and you'll level your Battle Pass up by one tier. If you need more help finding it, we've marked the Battle Star's location on the map below. You can also see where we go to find it in the video at the top of this guide.
Unlike the aforementioned Fortbytes, which can be found by anyone who owns a Season 9 Battle Pass, the secret Battle Star will only appear if you've cleared its corresponding Utopia challenge and unlocked the above loading screen, so you can't simply go to the right area and expect to find it if you haven't done the necessary work. If you need helping finishing any of this season's challenges, you can find tips for the trickier ones in our complete Fortnite Season 9 challenges guide.

Fortnite's 9.30 update arrived on June 18 and added a new item to the game, the Chug Splash, which can be thrown to heal yourself and other players within the range of its explosion. With the update, Epic also vaulted three items--the Boom Bow, Dual Pistols, and Dynamite--and tweaked a handful of other ones. You can find the full patch notes for the update on Epic's official website.