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Forza 7 Update Out Now, Here's The Patch Notes

Patched up.


A new update for the just-released Forza Motorsport 7 is out now, making fixes for the Xbox One and PC versions of the racing game. Among other things, this update addresses stability issues on PC and fixes the frame rate counter.

The update also clears out problems related to liveries. Some wouldn't show up in multiplayer and some liveries applied as paint colours only. Additionally, Forza 7 locked up in some situations when canceling liveries; all of those problems should be fixed now.

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You can see the full patch notes for the October 3 update below, as posted on Forza 7's forums.

GameSpot's Miguel Concepcion is currently playing through Forza 7 for review. The full review is coming soon, but for now you can read his early impressions here. A free demo for Forza 7 is currently available on Xbox One and PC.

Forza Motorsport 7 October 3 Patch Notes:

  • Fixed numerous livery-related issues, including some liveries applying as paint colors only, liveries not appearing in multiplayer, and game lock-ups when cancelling liveries.
  • Fixed an issue where vinyls would not appear in the vinyl editor for players who were creating vinyl groups with HDR enabled.
  • Arabic text is no longer reversed in game menus
  • Default profile slider settings for wheel users are no longer maxed out
  • Benchmark mode on PC now displays the correct minimum FPS
  • Framerate now improved in loading with G-Sync enabled.

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