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Free Black Ops 6 Gameplay Trial Is Coming This Month, Provides Access To Zombies And Multiplayer

'Tis the season to shoot zombies.


Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 has enjoyed a positive reception since its launch in October, due in no small part to the amount of high-quality content regularly being added to the game. Its latest update includes a holiday-themed Nuketown map makeover and a "stoner DLC" is confirmed to be in the pipeline, to name just a few of the game's entertaining new features. But Activision also has a gift for those who have yet to take a plunge into the franchise's latest entry: free (temporary) access to the game.

According to a new post on the official Call of Duty blog, players will be able to try out Black Ops 6's Multiplayer and Zombies modes--free of charge--for a limited time starting on December 13. For players who are on the fence about purchasing the game, the trial period provides the perfect chance to give it a try with no strings attached.

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During the free trial, players will have access to the following features:



  • Racket map
  • Hacienda map
  • Nuketown Holiday map
  • Extraction map
  • Hideout map
  • Heirloom map


  • TDM mode
  • Hardpoint mode
  • Domination mode
  • Kill Confirmed Mode
  • Kill Order Mode
  • Prop Hunt Mode


  • Liberty Falls (Standard mode)
  • Liberty Falls (Directed mode)
  • Terminus (Standard mode)
  • Terminus (Directed mode)

Directed mode is a new mode intended to give players who are unfamiliar with Call of Duty (or are just a little rusty) a helping hand, guiding them through gameplay until they're ready to take on Standard mode unassisted. The addition of Directed mode makes the Black Ops 6 Multiplayer/Zombies free trial a perfect opportunity to get a feel for the game without having to commit to its price tag. But interested players will want to plan ahead, as the free trial only runs from December 13 - 20.

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