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Friday the 13th TV Show Dropped by The CW, But Could Still Happen

"It was a very good pilot, but not a sustainable series."


The CW has decided not to pursue its Friday the 13th TV show.

Today at the Television Critics Association summer tour, president Mark Pedowitz confirmed that the network sees no future for the show at The CW because it is "not sustainable." In 2015, The CW picked up the pilot from writers Steve Mitchell and Craig Van Sickles, the pair that created the '90s NBC series The Pretender.

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Their iteration of Friday the 13th was apparently going to be a "sophisticated horror/crime thriller," according to Collider, which attended the TCA event today. Reports suggested the show would have followed a detective's longtime search for his missing brother, in a story that would have seen Jason Voorhees return to Crystal Lake to murder people yet again.

"We didn't believe it was a sustainable script or a sustainable series," Pedowitz said. "It was a very good pilot, but not a sustainable series."

Although The CW is not pursuing the project any longer, Pedwoitz said Mitchell and Van Sickles, the writers, are free to shop it to other networks once the network's exclusivity deal ends in January 2017.

Friday the 13th fans are getting a new movie from Paramount, which will be directed by The Last Witch Hunter's Breck Eisner, it was announced this week. This movie is being written by Prisoners scribe Aaron Guzikowski and will focus on Jason's origin story. A release date has not been announced.

Additionally, a new Friday the 13th video game is in the works for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

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