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GameSpot Game Night #37: GT5 Prologue (PS3) -- UPDATED!!!

Heed this message, PlayStation 3 owners! Next week's Game Night will occur on Tuesday, April 22 from 7PM to 9PM, PDT. We'll be playing Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, so get some practice in this weekend and prepare to rock your fellow GameSpotters. Details can be found here.Update: So as it turns out,...


Heed this message, PlayStation 3 owners! Next week's Game Night will occur on Tuesday, April 22 from 7PM to 9PM, PDT. We'll be playing Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, so get some practice in this weekend and prepare to rock your fellow GameSpotters. Details can be found here.

Update: So as it turns out, like with Team Fortress 2 on the PS3, there is no way to limit your game to friends, or to password protect the match. In other words, there is no way to get GameSpot folks all into the same race, other than to leave it to chance. It is too late to change the game, and I'll still be playing (and hope you will too), but this won't be your everyday kind of Game Night. Sorry about that, folks.

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