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GameStop's Big Spring Sale Still Going On

Celebrate the arrival of spring with GameStop's Play Days sale.


If you're in the market for new games to play, you now have a chance to pick some up for cheap. GameStop has kicked off its Play Days sale, a limited-time event that offers some nice discounts on various titles and accessories for PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch.

From now until April 1, customers will find deals on an assortment of games for each platform, including some that were just recently released, like Burnout Paradise Remastered, which is already on sale for $30. Additionally, Capcom's incredibly successful new game Monster Hunter World is available for $45, while the newly released Scribblenauts Showdown is $20.

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Now Playing: Amazing Jumps, Crazy Crashes, Stunts and More In Burnout Paradise Remastered

The sale also encompasses some of 2017's biggest releases. Two of Activision's most popular shooters from the past year, Call of Duty: WWII and Destiny 2, are on sale for $50 and $30, respectively. On top of that, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus is $40, Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy is $30, Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle is $40, FIFA 18 is $30, and Star Wars Battlefront II is $30.

Other notable game deals from GameStop's Play Days sale include Overwatch: Game of the Year Edition for $30, Grand Theft Auto V for $30, Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition for $40, L.A. Noire for $20, The Witcher III: Wild Hunt Complete Edition for $25, and Dark Souls III: The Fire Fades Edition for $20.

In terms of hardware, all Xbox One wireless controllers are $10 off, and customers can save up to $10 off of select Switch accessories. While the Xbox One X itself isn't discounted, those who pick one up during the sale will get a digital copy of Sea of Thieves for free. A number of toys and collectibles are also on sale, including Pokemon TCG decks and packs. You can find the full list of deals during the Play Days event on GameStop's website.

This story has been updated.

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