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Gears of War 4 Trailer Now Most Popular Video on Xbox YouTube Channel

"Tomorrow" rockets up the charts.


There is a new top video on Microsoft's Xbox YouTube channel. With more than 8.5 million views, the first official trailer for upcoming Xbox One shooter Gears of War 4 is now the most popular video on the channel. The previous record-holder was the Xbox One unveiling video, which has 7 million views.

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The Gears of War 4 video, titled "Tomorrow," was released earlier this month on TV during the Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 broadcast, before being published on YouTube.

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It's a powerful, emotional trailer that has been praised by many (the like/dislike ratio is overwhelming in favor of likes), while original Gears of War designer Cliff Bleszinski has also spoken out to praise the video.

By comparison, the most-viewed video on the PlayStation YouTube account is original PlayStation 4 announcement video, which has more than 32.5 million views. In fact, Sony has six videos that have passed 10 million views, while Microsoft has none.

Gears of War 4 launches on October 11 for Xbox One. The game's multiplayer beta is currently underway for people who played Gears of War Ultimate Edition before April 11. The Gears of War 4 open beta, which will be available to all Xbox Live Gold members, will begin April 25 and run through May 1.

For lots more on the Gears of War 4 beta, check out this post to find out how to get in.

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