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Gotham: First Look At Joker In New Poster And Trailer

I feel pretty.


With only two episodes left, Gotham has finally revealed its final version of its take on The Joker. After Jeremiah (Cameron Monaghan) got dumped into a vat of chemicals by Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz), fans waited eagerly to see what the outcome would be. Now, to celebrate April Fools' Day, Mr. J has delivered a couple of treats.

While this new poster and trailer stop short of flat-out calling the character Joker, something Gotham has shied away from doing since Jerome--the first iteration of the character--was introduced in Season 1, it's hard to deny it at this point. Still, the teaser trailer lists the character's name as J.

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Now Playing: Gotham Series Finale - Season 5 Ep. 12 "J" Teaser Trailer

The teaser also shows what happened to Jeremiah after his Ace Chemicals bath. Horribly scarred, he's locked up in Arhkam Asylum and seems numb to the world as the song "I Feel Pretty" plays until something knocks him out of his stupor. "I feel something new," he says. "Something beautiful." The next show shows the character with his face painted white and The Joker's trademark red lipstick, while maniacal laughter echoes.

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While this may be a shocking new look for the Jeremiah character, there are a couple of things to keep in mind. Firstly, the series finale of Gotham will feature a 10-year time jump, which finds Bruce Wayne returning to the city as Batman. Additionally, Gotham executive producer John Stephens previously told GameSpot that the final evolution of this character would lean into the horror side of Joker.

"When you look at the Joker, and you break down elements of his personality, and you cleave off certain character traits," he explained. "Some of those character traits we gave to Jerome. Some of those character traits we gave to Jeremiah. But, there were still some leftover character traits that we said, we haven't used these elements yet. Specifically to me, horror or terror. I feel like there are elements of the Joker, some iterations of him, which he's not just a clown prince of crime, but he's actually a nightmare. And I feel like... some of those remain to be explored."

Gotham returns to Fox for its penultimate episode on Thursday, April 18. The series finale, which includes the introduction of Batman, follows one week later. Meanwhile, DC's Joker movie is moving ahead, and we just got a new look at its titular character ahead of a new trailer's debut.

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