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Halo Infinite Dev Explains Why The Studio Isn't Fixing Hit-Detection Issues Right Now

The team previously working on such improvements has now been shifted to other work on Halo Infinite.


A senior developer working on Halo Infinite has explained why 343 Industries is currently not implementing updates to help with hit-detection issues, among other things.

Senior sandbox designer Brian Berryhill respond to concerns on Reddit (via VGC), saying there are "a lot of factors" at play in regards to ongoing updates to Halo Infinite. But the long and short of it is that developers that would normally work on fixes to issues like hit-registration "have been allocated to other Infinite work."

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Berryhill was specifically responding to a video (see it below) that seemed to show melee hit registration wasn't working as it should in Halo Infinite. The developer said the team appreciates fans putting together compilation videos regarding issues with Halo Infinite, adding that such videos are seen by 343 developers in bug and task threads internally.

Fans hoping to see fixes, however, will need to stay patient for now. Berryhill said the developers originally assigned to fixes issues like this are set to return to the Sandbox team soon "hopefully." Berryhill didn't say what the developers previously assigned to these improvements are now working on.

But it may be related to 343's previous comments around how updates for Halo Infinite would need to slow down in the short-term to help set the team up for success in the future.

The next big addition to Halo Infinite in its ongoing Season 2: Lone Wolves is the arrival of online campaign co-op in August. Looking further out, there are rumors of a big new mode coming to Halo Infinite developed by Certain Affinity. Outside of Halo Infinite, Halo's iconic Pelican is now flyable in Microsoft Flight Simulator.

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