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Hearthstone Experiments With Co-Op in Next Tavern Brawl

Team up to take down Gearmaster Mechazod.


Beginning tomorrow, Hearthstone will feature a cooperative game mode, but only for a limited time.

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Tavern Brawl, the game mode where a new set of rules is introduced every week, will feature something called Unite Against Mechazod. In this version of Tavern Brawl, two players will team up to defeat Gearmaster Mechazod using pre-built decks.

As described on the Hearthstone website, Mechazod moves from one side of the board to the other each turn. If either player is defeated, both of them will lose, so it'll be essential to cooperate.

The latest Tavern Brawl mode will launch this Wednesday, November 4, and be available until Monday, November 9. Playing a round earns you a Tavern Brawl card--you won't actually need to win in order to receive this, as is normally the case.

Hearthstone still doesn't have a dedicated co-op mode, though such a thing has been rumored for some time. Back in February 2015, a report suggested Blizzard was experimenting with a 2-vs-2 game mode. In August, fans who datamined the game discovered references to a co-op mode and Gearmaster Mechazod.

Blizzard's annual BlizzCon event is set to take place this weekend, so we might be learning more about the company's plans for Hearthstone (and co-op play) soon. Stay tuned to GameSpot for the latest from the show.

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