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Here's What's New In GTA 5 Online This Week

Earn more rewards from the new Motor Wars mode.


Rockstar has announced the latest batch of rewards and bonuses for Grand Theft Auto V. This week, players can earn extra cash and RP from GTA Online's new Motor Wars mode, as well as snag discounts on some powerful cars and vehicle armor.

From today until September 11, players can earn double GTA$ and RP by playing Motor Wars, a new Adversary mode that was introduced in last week's free Smuggler's Run expansion. Motor Wars drops four teams of up to 28 players into a warzone and has them vying for control of a weaponized vehicle while the battleground shrinks around them.

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All players who log in this week will receive a free Shrewsbury logo t-shirt. You can also get a 25% discount on the following vehicles and vehicle armor:

  • Pegassi Reaper
  • Progen Itali GTB (base price + upgrade)
  • Imponte Nightshade
  • Invetero Coquette Classic (both models)
  • Bravado Half-Track (both prices)
  • Body Armor
  • Vehicle Armor including Aircraft
  • Bulletproof Tires
  • Standard Ammo (does not include Mk II specific ammo)

Finally, the Premium Race this week is Criss Cross, which is restricted to the Ruiner 2000. As usual, all players will earn triple RP, but those who finish within the top three will earn a hefty GTA$ payout. The Time Trial during the same timeframe is Route 68. Players who manage to best the target time will receive a significant GTA$ and RP reward.

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