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Hitman Episode 4 Arrives This Month, Puts a "Spin" on Fan-Favorite Setting

Agent 47 heads to Bangkok.


The fourth episode in the ongoing Hitman episodic game series finally has a release date, and we'll be playing it in less than two weeks' time.

Hitman: Episode 4 launches on August 16 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One, Io Interactive announced today. This episode takes players to Thailand--Bangkok, specifically--to take out a rock star named Jordan Cross and his family's lawyer, Ken Morgan. According to the announcement, they're both located in a luxury hotel at the time of the mission.

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"With Episode 4, we are extremely pleased to be able to deliver a new spin on a fan-favorite type of destination," the company said on its website. "Hotels have been a staple across many a Hitman title. A huge amount of people in the community love learning everything there is to know about the intricacies of each hotel; and we thoroughly enjoy creating these wondrous assassination locations. "

Io said it will share more details regarding release timing, as well as update notes, closer to Episode 4's release. It also revealed that the next Elusive Target is now live and will be available until August 8.

To go along with this news, Square Enix released a music video for the song "Are We Stars," which is performed by Cross' fictional band, The Class. You can watch it below.

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Hitman recently added a bonus summer episode that introduced new missions in existing locales. Episode 4 marks something of a return to normalcy for Hitman after providing players with the opportunity to assassinate Gary Busey.

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