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Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds' New Features Explained

Horizon Zero Dawn's new DLC is almost here.


Horizon Zero Dawn's new DLC, The Frozen Wilds, is out very soon. The add-on expands Horizon's world and adds a bunch of welcome new features.

First up, there's a new Traveler skill tree focused on exploring the new environment. Many of the skills you can unlock center around abilities used while riding a mount, culminating in one move that lets you leap off and attack enemies with a lethal one-hit-kill spear assault. And you'll need that new attack: you're recommended to be at level 30 to play The Frozen Wilds, so it's not going to be a walk in the park. Thankfully, all those new skills can also be used in the main game.

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Now Playing: Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds New Features Impressions

The Frozen Wilds, as you can probably guess, is set in a new, snowy environment that we think looks beautiful. Its new storyline runs parallel with the main game, adding around 15 hours of content, and features improved motion capture performances and animations. Finally, The Frozen Wilds adds the ability to customize Aloy's spear, while the excellent photo mode includes a new snow angel emote. Check out some footage of the DLC's new features--as well as our impressions of the expansion--in the video above.

The Frozen Wilds launches November 7 and costs $20 / £16 / AU $30; keep an eye out for our review, which will be dropping very soon. In other Horizon Zero Dawn news, Monster Hunter World will receive add-on content based around Aloy. You can also check out The Frozen Wilds' latest trailer here.

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