Humble THQ Bundle closes with $5 million
Beleaguered publisher's name-your-own-price drive closes with more than $5 million; $10,000 came from THQ president Jason Rubin.
The Humble THQ Bundle closed last evening with more than $5 million in sales, with newly appointed president Jason Rubin kicking in $10,000 to become the top contributor overall.
885,310 bundles were sold altogether, netting an exact total of $5,097,641.01. The money is not all THQ's to keep, though, as gamers had the option of spreading their contributions between charity outlets, the Humble Bundle organization, or THQ itself.
The average purchase price was $5.76. Rubin's $10,000 donation was not his first, nor was he the only THQ executive to give. Rubin also purchased a $1,050 bundle, with THQ CEO Brian Farrell chipping in $1,650 for his own.
The Humble THQ Bundle launched November 29, allowing users to pay what they wished for six THQ-published games, including Darksiders, Metro 2033, Red Faction, Company of Heroes, Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor, and Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts. Upon choosing to donate more than the average amount listed on the site, Saints Row: The Third was added to the bundle. Purchasers also received select games' soundtracks DRM free.
The Humble THQ Bundle saw more than $2 million in sales during its first day.
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