IF Racing 2 Hands-On Impressions
We take In-Fusio's shiny new racer for an E3 test-drive.
Quantity seems to be the biggest asset of this Formula One racing game. There are 16 racetracks to choose from--which range from Tokyo to Australia--and the single-player mode supports 19 cars. A less-crowded option is the relatively complex ghost mode, which allows players to race against their previous laps, friends’ laps, or even strangers’ laps through the ghost leaderboard. The leaderboard is organized by best ghost laps, though players can also compete against a random ghost from among the several uploaded ones.
Prerace players can modify their cars using points from wins, thus gaining better suspensions, steering, or other attributes. The game's racing itself is standard fare, with indicators showing current gear, position, and upcoming curves.
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