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Injustice 2 Adds Raiden DLC Character, Black Lightning Premiere Skin

Raiden has arrived.


NetherRealm Studios has released new DLC for its latest superhero fighting game, Injustice 2. As previously announced, it's headlined by a mainstay from NetherRealm's other fighting game series, Mortal Kombat: the lightning god Raiden.

Raiden arrives in Injustice 2 today for anyone who has purchased Fighter Pack #2 or the game's Ultimate or Digital Deluxe editions. NetherRealm notes that his release comes just a few days before the 25th anniversary of the Mortal Kombat series, which debuted back on October 8, 1992.

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In addition to Raiden, today's DLC drop includes a new Premiere Skin--those that serve as complete makeovers, essentially transforming a member of the roster into a different character. This one turns Raiden into Black Lightning, the DC superhero who also happens to have a new TV show on the way.

Raiden's release comes not long after a new update, which prepared the game for his launch and made a variety of bug fixes and other changes. These included balance adjustments to characters such as Superman, as well as tweaks to Legendary items and Legendary Multiverse Events. You can check out more in the Injustice 2 update 1.09 patch notes.

Like the first one, Fighter Pack #2 consists of three characters in total. Raiden is the second one to be released, following Black Manta; Hellboy is still on the way. He will be followed by three more characters in Fighter Pack #3, though we don't yet have any indication of who will be included.

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