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InstantAction debuts browser-game embedding platform

Studio teams with LucasArts to launch online gaming service that allows sharing of titles between Web sites; Secret of Monkey Island: SE available now.


For the past couple of years, independent game maker InstantAction has pioneered the idea of high-quality gaming delivered directly through a Web browser. Today, the developer announced an extension of that technology, saying that developers can now add an element of portability to their products, thanks to its new online distribution service that allows for embedding games nearly anywhere on the Internet, including blogs and social networking sites.

Embedding The Secret of Monkey Island is as easy as embedding this picture.
Embedding The Secret of Monkey Island is as easy as embedding this picture.

According to InstantAction, the technology works in much the same way as embedding a YouTube video, as it incorporates "in-browser, thin-client, and progressive downloading technologies." As with streaming video, users can jump into a game instantly, instead of spending time downloading the software. However, games still must meet case-by-case minimum hardware specifications.

The studio has launched its service with LucasArts's The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition, which is currently embedded into Facebook. An embed code is associated with the game and is available in three different sizes. Gamers can then transport the title to "most Web sites that allow users to embed objects via iframes," as well as "any webpage that allows HTML editing, and supports Javascript and iframes" (GameSpot, for example).

Currently, the embed functionality is only available to PC users. However, InstantAction plans to launch Mac and mobile support on a title-by-title basis in the future.

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