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iPhone 4S preorders surpass 1 million in 24 hours

Apple's latest smartphone hardware iteration surpasses iPhone 4 to set single-day preorder record.


New Apple CEO Tim Cook took to the stage in Cupertino last week to announce Apple's latest handset, the iPhone 4S. iPhone launches are often big events, and this time is proving no different, as Apple announced today that preorders for the device hit the 1 million unit mark just 24 hours after opening on October 7.

iPhone 4S is Apple's most preordered mobile device ever.
iPhone 4S is Apple's most preordered mobile device ever.

Preorder figures for the iPhone 4S are almost twice that of the iPhone 4, which first went on sale in June 2010. Preorders for that device exceeded 600,000 units within 24 hours, which was a then-record.

Externally, the handset is nearly identical to the previous iteration, but it has largely refreshed internals featuring Apple's A5 chip. Apple expects to launch the iPhone 4S in the US on October 14. The 16GB version of the device will cost $199 with a two-year contract. 32GB and 64GB variants will cost $299 and $399, respectively.

For more from the Apple iPhone 4S unveiling, check out comprehensive coverage at GameSpot sister-site CNET. GameSpot has also broken down what the iPhone 4S means for games.

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