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It Follows Given A Sequel Over A Decade Later

The contemporary horror classic will be back with a sequel almost a decade later.


Over a decade later, David Robert Mitchell is getting to make his long-awaited follow-up to the horror hit It Follows which is being called They Follow. The Hollywood Reporter mentioned that Tom Quinn's Neon studios (Parasite) is co-producing the sequel, which is expected to film next year.

They Follow will once again star Maika Monroe as Jay Height, who was at the center of the 2014 film. Jay learns, after having sex with her boyfriend for the first time, that she will now be hunted by a sinister entity. The only way to defeat it, or at least temporarily make it stop hunting her, is to pass it on to somebody else. Throughout the film, the force takes on many disturbing shapes and forms including an eyeless, tall pale man and a screaming old woman.

It Follows became a sleeper hit that grossed $21.9 million globally on a budget of around $1 million. A sequel had been in talks for years, with Neon's Quinn suggesting in 2015 that it could involve people actually hunting the entity and following it to its source.

At the time, Mitchell had said that "it" doesn't really have a backstory. "I'm not personally that interested in where 'it' comes from," he said. "To me, it's dream logic in the sense that they're in a nightmare, and when you're in a nightmare there's no solving the nightmare. Even if you try to solve it."

No concrete plot details of They Follow have been announced, or additional cast outside of Monroe.

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