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Last Of Us 2, Avengers Voice Actor Troy Baker Teases "Big News"

The voice actor behind major characters in The Last of Us 2 and Marvel's Avengers says something big is on the way.


The prolific video game voice actor Troy Baker has teased that a big announcement is on the way. Given his involvement in two upcoming big-budget games--The Last of Us 2 and Marvel's Avengers--the vague tweet could refer to a few possibilities.

It's hard to draw any specific conclusions because the comment was so brief it didn't leave any clues. Baker plays both Joel in The Last of Us 2 and Bruce Banner (aka Hulk) in Avengers. The Last of Us 2 was recently delayed indefinitely despite development being nearly finished, while Avengers is still targeting September 4--though that date could change given the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

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Fans of Baker have speculated he could be referring to public demos for Last of Us 2 or Avengers. There's also a chance he's referring to an unannounced project, or one we've seen previously teased like the Batman game from WB Montreal. Baker notably voiced the antagonist in Batman: Arkham Knight.

Of course, he could be referring to something else entirely, including a project having nothing to do with video games. He's known primarily for his work in games, but he's appeared as a voice in a number of animated movies, and even has a musical career as well.

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