Latest Thor: Ragnarok Trailer Reveals A Key Marvel Hero Cameo
"I have dire plans for destiny."
A new trailer for the upcoming Thor: Ragnarok has been released. It's a Japanese promo, and while much of the footage is the same as the previous US trailer, it does feature an appearance from another key figure from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Check it out below--but be warned, it contains potential spoilers!
— 映画『アベンジャーズ』シリーズ[公式] (@AVG_JP) August 16, 2017
『#マイティソー バトルロイヤル』<日本版本予告>が解禁⚡️
Thor: Ragnarok stars Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner, and Tom Hiddleston as Loki. Cate Blanchett plays the villainous Hela, while Jeff Goldblum will appear as immortal games-playing Grandmaster. It hits theaters on November 3, 2017.
One key addition to the MCU is Skurge, the gun-toting, tattooed Asgardian bad guy played by Star Trek's Karl Urban. The character was better known as the Executioner in Marvel's Thor comics, and in a recent interview with CBR, Urban spoke about playing the character. "It was really about trying to honor the genesis," he said. "But also make sure that as a piece of the puzzle he fits into the world that [director] Taika [Waititi] was creating. I think that there's going to be elements within the character of Skurge that are going to surprise fans.
"The most challenging aspect was probably the physicality of the role, particularly when you're trying to work with that uniform, is pretty physically exhausting. [But] once I've shaved my head, put the tats on, wear the armor, it dictates the tone."
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