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League of Legends Mac client enters beta

After cancelling Mac support in 2011, Riot Games releases new open beta client.


Riot Games today announced that the League of Legends Mac client is now in open beta and available to download. "Yes, we're sure this time" the company said, referencing the cancellation of a previous Mac client in 2011.

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"Going native on Mac has been a big goal for us, and we’re really excited to offer the same experience across both platforms," the company said in a statement." The Mac client does everything that the PC client does, meaning you’ll get all future features, bug fixes and new content on the same schedule as PC players, but on your native OS."

The League of Legends Mac client was made available late last month in the game's Public Beta Environment. This is a separate build of the game that allows players to test upcoming versions of the game before they reach the main servers.

According to Riot Games, League of Legends has 12 million daily active players and 32 million monthly active players. The game boasts 70 million registered users, according to the developer.

Riot Games just this week announced it had opened an Australian office. Established in 2006, Riot Games was started by developers from Blizzard Entertainment and the mod community that made DOTA.

For more on League of Legends, check out GameSpot's previous coverage.

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