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Madden 15 Lets You Create Your NFL Ultimate Team With Past and Present Players

The Ultimate Fantasy Football.

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EA Sports has detailed how Madden Ultimate Team will work in the upcoming Madden NFL 15.

The Madden Ultimate Team mode allows players to pick their team, collect their favorite current and past NFL players, and upgrade their squad to create their fantasy team. Players purchase packs containing new players, coaches, playbooks, stadiums, and more with coins they earn by competing with other players online or by completing single player challenges.

For the most part, Madden NFL 15’s Ultimate Team sounds a lot like previous iterations, only with a greatly improved user interface and introduction to the mode in the form of the Objectives screen.

“If you’re a new player, this is like a helpful friend,” EA Sports Tiburon Game Designer Chuck Kallenbach said in a post to the game’s official website. “For veterans of MUT, it’s a way to tour some of the changes. When you complete five tasks on the Objectives list, you get a reward pack. So there’s reason for both beginners and veterans to go through the Objectives.”

Players can now also sort, view, and manage items in their binder from a single streamlined screen.

Madden NFL 15 launches August 26 for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation 4. Controversial cornerback Richard Sherman is the game's cover star. Hopefully it doesn't fall victim to the Madden Curse.

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