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Mafia 3: Watch New Driving Gameplay Video, Playboy Promo Teased

Driving sequences inspired by '60s driving movies.


2K Games has released a new gameplay trailer for crime game Mafia III, while it has also looks like Playboy magazines are returning as collectibles.

As for the trailer, it's called "Driving in New Bordeaux," and it shows off some driving sequences. Design director Matthias Worch said Mafia III aims to offer "Hollywood action driving." If developer Hangar 13 has done its job, you should feel like a stunt driver in a Hollywood movie, he said.

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He went on to say that Mafia III's driving sequences and mechanics are inspired by '60s driving movies, including the Steve McQueen-starring Bullitt.

It is also explained in the video that your car will be affected by the various surfaces found in and around New Bordeaux, the game's version of New Orleans. You might drive in the bayou over mud or down or down street on asphalt.

In other Mafia III news, a tweet from the game's official page teases a forthcoming Playboy-related announcement of some kind on June 1. It appears that model Eugena Washington is involved.

In Mafia II, Playboy magazines were scattered throughout the world. Players could collect them to earn achievements. It appears the same may be true for Mafia III.

In other recent news potentially relating to Mafia III, it's been suggested that Rockstar's rumored Red Dead Redemption 2 may in some way tie in to the game.

For more on Mafia III, which launches on October 7 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC, check out GameSpot's new stories stories and features below:

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