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Marvel Movies Boss Promises Female Director Announcements Are Coming

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Ant-Man and the Wasp is in theaters on July 6

While for the most part, Marvel Studios has been the undisputed leader of the comic book movie phenomenon, there is one piece of the puzzle where the MCU is lagging behind the DC universe: female representation. While Patty Jenkins is hard at work directing the second Wonder Woman movie, Marvel has yet to debut its first standalone movie about a female hero or feature a female director behind the camera.

That will change with Captain Marvel's release in 2019. Starring Brie Larson, the upcoming MCU entry will be co-directed by Anna Boden--she's co-directing with longtime collaborator Ryan Fleck--marking the first time a woman has been even partially at the helm in the MCU. According to Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige, though, this is just the beginning. GameSpot sat down with the MCU boss to find out when to expect news of more women directors being hired for upcoming films.

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"We've got announcements that we'll be making at some point revealing that," Feige tells GameSpot while promoting Ant-Man and the Wasp. That particular film is already a step forward for Marvel, as it's the first time a female hero has been included in the title of an MCU movie--and GameSpot's Ant-Man and the Wasp review makes it clear that she's the true star of the film.

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While Feige doesn't say when the announcements about having more women behind-the-camera will come, chances are those developments will play a big role in the MCU after Avengers 4. Following that film, all that's been announced are sequels to Spider-Man: Homecoming and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.

After those, though, Feige previously spoke to GameSpot about the importance of evolving its movies and characters to keep them fresh. Just as important to him, though, is the evolution of those making the movies.

"To me, it's always actions are much more important than words, and showcasing the types of movies we're making and the types of people making those movies," he says. "And I think we've learned beyond a doubt that when you surround yourselves with different types of people, and people who don't look like you, and people who haven't had the exact same experiences than you, creatively things start to get very interesting, and very new and unique."

In the meantime, if unique is what you're looking for, Ant-Man and the Wasp is about as far a departure from Avengers: Infinity War as you can get. The latest MCU adventure hits theaters on July 6.

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Chris Hayner

Chris Hayner is Senior Editor at GameSpot, responsible for the site's entertainment content. Previously, he contributed to a number of outlets including The Hollywood Report, IGN, Mashable, CBS Interactive, Tribune Media, and Nerdist. Chris loves all movies, but especially Jaws and Paddington 2.

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