Matt Damon Would Love to Be in a Video Game, But No One's Asked Him Yet
"I'm all for looking into it."
Actor Matt Damon has come forward to say he would love to be in a video game someday, if only someone would ask him. During a recent Reddit AMA to promote this month's Jason Bourne, someone asked if he would ever consider contributing to a video game, either through voice acting or motion capture.
He said he would "totally be into it," but no one has approached him about it. 2008's The Bourne Conspiracy video game did not make use of Damon's voice or likeness for the title character. According to this MTV News story, Damon said he "lobbied hard to not make a first-person shooter game" and instead wanted to make a puzzle game like Myst.
Damon added that he's "really interested" to see how video games and virtual reality impact the future of film. If games become the dominant medium, Damon said he'd love to be there.
"The graphic are getting so good, and VR is getting so good, and you know, what's going to happen to movies?" he wondered. "What are the implications for movies, and does this morph into a new kind of story telling, and what is that, and can I be a part of it?
"You know, ultimately those of us who make movies are storytellers and we want to gather you around and tell you stories," Damon added. "If gaming is the way to do that I'm all for looking into it, but nobody has asked me as of yet."

Famous actors appearing in video games is nothing new. Recently, Shawn Ashmore (X-Men), Dominic Monaghan (Lord of the Rings), and Aiden Gillen (Game of Thrones) appeared in the video game/TV show hybrid project Quantum Break. Before that, Willem Dafoe and Ellen Page had parts in Quantic Dream's Beyond: Two Souls, while Star Wars actor Mark Hamill famously voiced The Joker in Rocksteady's Batman Arkham series. Additionally, Gary Oldman had a part in Call of Duty: Black Ops and Kiefer Suthlerland played Snake in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.
Not every Hollywood star has been excited about working on games, however. In 2004, Leonardo DiCaprio met with Quantic Dream to discuss whether or not the Titanic and The Revenant star would partner with the French studio for his first game. Ultimately, he declined over concerns of image and doubts that technology at the time could faithfully replicate his actions.
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