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Matthew McConaughey's New Stoner Comedy Has Career-Worst Wide Opening For The Actor

The Beach Bum looks like a flop.


Matthew McConaughey is one of the biggest names in Hollywood, but not everything he touches turns to gold. The actor's newest film, The Beach Bum, opened this weekend--and it seems like it may be a flop. The stoner comedy featuring McConaughey in the lead role made $1.8 million at 1,100 theatres across the United States and Canada.

That works out to an average of $1,636 per theatre, according to Entertainment Weekly. It's a career-worst opening for McConaughey when you look at wide releases, or films that opened at more than 1,000 screens. His previous low wide release was 2017's Gold, which made made $3.4 million from 2,166 screens, according to The Wrap.

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The Beach Bum was directed by Harmony Korine, who previously directed the more successful 2012 film Spring Breakers. The Beach Bum also features Snoop Dogg, Zac Efron, Jonah Hill, Martin Lawrence, and Isla Fisher.

McConaughey won the Best Actor Oscar for his performance in Dallas Buyers Club.

As for movies that did make big money this past weekend, Disney's Dumbo was No. 1, with Jordan Peele's Us coming in at No. 2. You can see the full Top 10 report here.

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