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Metal Gear Solid 5 Servers Down for Maintenance as Issues Persist

Here's where to get updates on the status of The Phantom's Pain online servers.


Since launching earlier this week, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain's online servers have been encountering issues, and as of this writing, all servers are currently offline for maintenance.

This is according to Konami's Japanese website, which is where the company is directing players for updates on the status of its servers. Despite being the Japanese website, a small section of it offers this information in English, with individual statuses for each of the game's five platforms. All five are currently undergoing maintenance according to the page, though Konami states the information there might not always be up to date.

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Server connection issues began being reported soon after the game's launch on Tuesday, specifically affecting the Forward Operating Base multiplayer base mode. To deal with this, Konami attempted to disable some features--things like showing fewer missions and removing the display of certain information--as a temporary fix, but that doesn't appear to have been enough.

Keep in mind, this FOB mode is not the game's more standard multiplayer mode; Metal Gear Online is not set to launch until October. The FOB mode, however, has proven to be controversial due to its use of optional microtransactions and the way in which it impacts the single-player experience.

Konami recently outlined a schedule for daily login bonuses in FOB mode, but it's unclear how or if that will be impacted by the server downtime.

We'll have more information on the situation as it becomes available.

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