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Monkey Island sails to iPhone

After lying dormant for years, LucasArts' lauded classic adventure game Monkey Island has reemerged with a vengeance in recent months. At E3 2009, LucasArts announced that it had teamed with Telltale on all-new episodic installments for release on the Wii and PC, beginning later this year. The...


After lying dormant for years, LucasArts' lauded classic adventure game Monkey Island has reemerged with a vengeance in recent months. At E3 2009, LucasArts announced that it had teamed with Telltale on all-new episodic installments for release on the Wii and PC, beginning later this year. The publisher also revived the highly acclaimed original, releasing The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition to warm reviews on Xbox Live and the PC earlier this month.

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As it previously hinted it might do, LucasArts today added one more platform to the game's rerelease, announcing The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition is now available through Apple's App Store for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Gamers can pick up the portable installment in the series for $7.99.

Like the Xbox Live and PC versions, the Special Edition for Apple's mobile platform features completely redrawn visuals, a remastered soundtrack, voice acting, and a hint system for the games puzzles. Additionally, those interested in reliving the classic experience can still play through the game in a faithful re-creation of its classic look.

For more on the game, check out GameSpot's previous coverage of The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition.

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