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New Battlefield 1 Turning Tides DLC Dated For PS4, Xbox One, And PC

New land, air, and sea battles coming soon, along with in-game updates and Black Friday deals.


Battlefield 1's next expansion Turning Tides starts soon on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, giving players new maps and a new Operation, along with new weapons and a new Elite Class. The third DLC will be released in two waves, with the first one being set during the 1915 British amphibious invasion of the Gallipoli peninsula.

The "first wave" releases December 11. The first maps are Cape Helles and Achi Baba, which are featured during the new Operation. Turning Tides introduces introduces the new Infiltrator Elite Class. There are also six new weapons and melee weapons that will be added to your arsenal, and you'll also get the chance to rule the waves with an L-Class Destroyer.

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The "second wave" in Turning Tides is due out in January, and takes players to the North Sea in two more unique maps: Zeebrugge and Heligoland. You'll get the chance to battle with the new Royal Marines and "spawn on the C-Class Airship."

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There's a host of other Battlefield 1 news coming along with the third expansion's release date. From November 22-December 4 and December 8-10, free trials of previous expansions They Shall Not Pass and Name of the Tsar will be available in the game, allowing players to fight with or against the French and Russian armies and sample new maps, weapons, and vehicles.

On November 27, Frontlines Mode is being added to the Suez map, giving players a chance to battle it out in a mix of Conquest and Rush modes where you fight for chained control points across the map.

The Fall of Empires Operation Campaign is also available for all Battlefield 1 owners between November 22 to December 6. Fall of Empires combines two Operations: Conquer Hell and Iron Walls, which are inspired by two 1918 events: the battle of Vittorio Veneto and the Meuse-Argonne offensive on the Western Front. For Battlefield 1 Black Friday deals, check out our story.

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