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New Cyberpunk 2077 Patch Fixes Save Data Corruption Glitch

Your data won't be recoverable if you've already experienced the glitch, but Hotfix 1.06 should prevent it from happening again.


CD Projekt Red has released another hotfix patch for Cyberpunk 2077--it closely follows on the heels of Patch 1.05, which addressed numerous glitches that occur in the opening hours of the main campaign. This new hotfix, Patch 1.06, doesn't fix as much, but it addresses the noteworthy save file corruption glitch.

Patch 1.06 fixes the glitch that caused your save file to become corrupted if it exceeded a certain limit--something that could be done if you were holding onto too many items in your inventory. The patch is live across Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

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Unfortunately, the patch cannot recover what has been lost. If you've already fallen victim to the save file glitch, your save will still be corrupted. Patch 1.06 simply prevents the bug from ever occurring again. You can see the full breakdown of what Patch 1.06 does in the full patch notes, which are listed below.

Cyberpunk 2077 Hotfix 1.06 Patch Notes


  • Dum Dum will no longer go missing from Totentanz entrance during Second Conflict.


  • Improved memory management and stability, resulting in fewer crashes.


  • Removed the 8 MB save file size limit. Note: this won’t fix save files corrupted before the update.

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