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New details on DOA 3 add-on disc

Tecmo's "booster disc" for Dead or Alive 3 will be available in May.


Tecmo has announced that the Dead or Alive 3 "booster disc" will be available in the June issue of the Official Xbox Magazine, which goes on sale May 7. The disc will contain a new movie, as well as new costumes for various Dead or Alive 3 characters, but players will need the full version of Dead or Alive 3 in order to access the new content. However, a new playable demo of Dead or Alive 3 will also be included on the disc for those who do not own the game.

"The booster disc is my way of personally thanking gamers for supporting Dead or Alive 3," said Tomonobu Itagaki, creator of the Dead or Alive series. "We developed Dead or Alive 3 first and foremost for the US market. When we created this bonus material for the Japanese and European versions of DOA3, we didn't want American gamers to feel left out. That's why we're offering these extras free of charge. It's a win-win situation for everybody. Of course, the only system on which this is possible is the Xbox, thanks to the built-in hard drive."

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