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New Dishonored 2 Trailer Teases the Mysteries and Intrigue of Its Setting, Karnaca

"Unimaginable wonders" await players in Karnaca.


Ahead of Dishonored 2's launch next week, Bethesda released the latest video for the game today. Titled "Book of Karnaca," the trailer shines a light on the game's new setting and story.

The trailer is presented in a pretty neat way, as it's shown as a pop-up book come to life. "In this city are unimaginable wonders," The Outsider says. "In Karnaca, there is always a choice: mercy or revenge. Savior or assassin. What would you give up to take back what's yours?" Check it out in the embed above.

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Now Playing: Dishonored 2 - Book of Karnaca Trailer

This video follows previous ones that focused on the two playable characters, Emily Kaldwin and her father, Corvo Attano.

You can play Dishonored 2 a day early by preordering the game, which releases November 11 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. People who preorder also receive a free copy of Dishonored: Definitive Edition.

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In addition to full-on assassination, you'll be able to play through Dishonored 2 without killing anyone or using supernatural powers.

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