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New Fortnite Update Adds Giant Teddy Bear Parachute, Because Why Not

Fortnite's new patch lets you arrive in style.


Despite sharing a similar premise, Fortnite: Battle Royale differs from PUBG in a number of ways, such as with its building mechanics. But at first blush, the most noticeable difference is Fortnite's cartoonish art style. That less serious vibe extends to other areas of the game, whether it's with the item that allows you to conceal yourself as a friendly little bush or the Boogie Bomb grenade that forces affected enemies to dance. This is also embraced with the game's cosmetics, and one added in Fortnite's new update is especially silly.

As in PUBG, players start out the match in a flying vehicle (in this case, a bus) that passes over the island. When you're ready, you jump out and eventually deploy a parachute to ensure a safe landing. There are various glider options to unlock, and the latest is Bear Force One. This is essentially a giant inflatable Valentine's Day-style teddy bear (standing atop of set of wings) that functions as your glider.

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Just like other such replacements, this is purely cosmetic; it doesn't have any impact on gameplay, though--given how big it is--it certainly won't do anything to help make your landing location a secret. But what's a little sacrificed stealth in the name of cuteness?

Of course, this does come at a cost. Bear Force One costs 1,500 V-Bucks. This can be earned to some extent through gameplay (if you own the Battle Pass or have access to Save the World mode), but it's primarily obtained through real-money purchases, and 1,500 V-Bucks is roughly equivalent to $15/£12. It's one of several pricey new Valentine's Day cosmetic options, along with the Tat Axe (800), Cuddle Team Leader (2,000), and Love Ranger (2,000). The latter has already been shown to have some hilariously creative uses, given the right circumstances. You can see all of these in the gallery above.

These items are available only for a limited time, so you'll want to act fast if you're interested. Be aware that V-Bucks will now be the lone way of purchasing the upcoming Season 3 Battle Pass, despite earlier statements saying otherwise. For more on what's been added, check out our rundown on the new 2.5.0 Fortnite update.

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