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New Halo 5 Teaser Dives Deeper Into Master Chief's Mysterious Origins

Microsoft's "Hunt the Truth" viral campaign continues with a cryptic, shocking new entry.

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Just who is the real Master Chief? That's the question Microsoft's new, Serial-style "Hunt the Truth" podcast series attempts to answer in the lead-up to the release of Halo 5: Guardians this October.

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The second chapter in the series was published last night, and dives even deeper into Master Chief's mysterious origins. This episode begins with a startling revelation. We won't spoil it for you.

"An obscure record from the far reaches of the galaxy contradicts everything," reads a line from the episode's description. "Government officials and conspiracy theorists weigh in. Stories of a remarkable young man are once again torn down by conflicting accounts."

You can listen to the episode via the SoundCloud embed below. The series is also available on iTunes.

Hunt the Truth is narrated by fictional investigative reporter Benjamin Giraud, who is voiced by actor Keegan-Micahel Key. The first episode focused on the strange relationship between Master Chief and newcomer Agent Locke, who is actually a playable character in Halo 5.

Halo 5 launches October 27 for Xbox One.

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