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New Legend Of Zelda Rewards Added To My Nintendo

Members can trade their points for 40% off of select Zelda games.


Nintendo has added a handful of new rewards to the My Nintendo program. As usual, the rewards come in the form of discounts on select 3DS and Wii U games, this time on a few titles in the Legend of Zelda series.

To commemorate the upcoming release of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Explorer's Edition and the Link Edition 2DS bundle, Nintendo is offering My Nintendo members discounts on select Zelda games. Each reward is good for 40% off. On Wii U, members can save on the SNES classic A Link to the Past (160 Platinum points) and the series' Wii installment, Skyward Sword (50 Gold points).

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3DS owners can also save on A Link to the Past, as well as the multiplayer Zelda game Tri Force Heroes (120 Gold points); however, SNES virtual console games like A Link to the Past can only be downloaded on a New 3DS or New 2DS XL. Additionally, players can still get 40% of Majora's Mask 3D (120 Gold points), which was one of October's new rewards. The program-exclusive downloadable game, My Nintendo Picross: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, is also still available for 1,000 Platinum points.

Outside of these discounts, Nintendo has added a new Breath of the Wild 3DS theme and mobile/desktop wallpaper inspired by that title's second DLC expansion, The Champions' Ballad. The 3DS theme can be yours for 20 Gold points, while the wallpaper costs 50 Platinum points. Players can also redeem 20 Gold points for a digital strategy guide for Skyward Sword.

Both The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Explorer's Edition and the Link 2DS system release on Black Friday, November 24. Explorer's Edition retails for $60 and includes a copy of the base game, as well as a physical map and 100-page guide book; however, it doesn't include the game's $20 season pass, which is the only way to purchase the upcoming Champions' Ballad DLC. The Link 2DS bundle, meanwhile, costs $80 and comes with a green 2DS handheld that's pre-loaded with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D.

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