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New Marvel Rivals Event Will Let You Unleash Chaos As An Entire Team Of Cloned Heroes

Do you dare to unleash the power of multiple Moon Knights?


The next limited-time game mode for Marvel Rivals has been revealed, and if you're tired of never getting to play as the hero that you want to, then Clone Rumble is just for you. The new mode allows players to choose from two heroes as voted on by their team, letting players hit the field as one of them. This means that you can field an entire team of Iron Men or Venoms, and some of the other combinations here are wild.

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For example, imagine if everyone is playing as the Punisher--a scenario that could let six players hold a point with turrets. Or if the teams vote for Doctor Strange, you could probably melt a PC with all of the portals that'll be opened during a match. If you're feeling evil, you could choose to all play as Moon Knight and unleash a wave of hard-to-escape ultimate attacks, or if you want to be a real monster, you could convince the entire team to choose Jeff the Land Shark.

Completing certain tasks will reward players with limited-time items such as the Black Widow: Mrs. Barnes costume, MVP nameplates, sprays, Units, and other loot. NetEase says that there will be no restrictions on the identical heroes that players can vote for, and the event will take place exclusively on the Wakandan map of Birnin T'Challa. Players will need to complete certain mission objectives to claim victory, and the event will be held on the following dates:

  • March 7-10: Starts at 2 AM PT / 5 AM ET
  • March 14-17: Starts at 2 AM PT / 5 AM ET
  • March 21-24: Starts at 2 AM PT / 5 AM ET

In other Marvel Rivals news, we recently got a closer look at the rest of the Fantastic Four, with new videos spotlighting the Thing and the Human Torch. The game has also riffed on a classic Moon Knight meme, and amidst layoffs of some employees who worked Marvel Rivals, that the game was almost canceled before release.

Darryn Bonthuys on Google+

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