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New media: The Getaway

Team Soho is hard at work finishing the game in time for Christmas 2001 in Europe. In the meantime, we have new screens.


The Getaway is probably one of the most impressive and anticipated games for the Sony PlayStation 2. The game is currently set for a Christmas release in Europe, and a North American release, although officially unconfirmed, is highly likely. Developed by Team Soho, The Getaway tells the story of two characters. The first, Mark Hammond, is a former criminal who yearns to live a normal life, but when his son is kidnapped and his wife is murdered, he blames mob boss Charlie Jolson. On the opposite side of the law is the second character, Frank Carter, a suspended cop who wants to see Jolson in prison as well. The stories of these two characters intertwine as the game progresses. Specific gameplay details are scarce at this time, but it is known that the game will take place in various locations around London.

The game's title could change for the probable North American release due to legal issues. Regardless, we'll have more on The Getaway in the coming weeks.

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