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New Netflix Remix Of Arrested Development Season 4 Arrives Tomorrow

The Bluths are back.


When the acclaimed comedy Arrested Development returned to screens in 2013, following a seven year absence, it wasn't exactly met with universal acclaim. While fans were happy that Netflix had brought the series back following its cancellation in 2006, the format of the show had changed. Due to scheduling issues, each episode now focused on a separate character rather than cutting between the entire cast, with the events of the season taking place simultaneously across the 15 episodes.

Season 5 of Arrested Development is just around the corner, and creator Mitch Hurwitz has now revealed that a reedited version of Season 4 will hit Netflix this Friday, May 4. Hurwitz took to Twitter to announce the Season 4 "remix", and well as teasing Season 5. In a note, he explained that he has reedited the entire season, taking the longer episodes and reorganising them into 22 shorter, chronological ones.

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The season is now titled Arrested Development Season 4 Remix: Fateful Consequences, and Hurwitz describes it as "funny in a new way." Check the full note out below:

As for Arrested Development Season 5, Hurwitz didn't reveal a specific release date, but it he did suggest it was just around the corner. He said it would hit Netflix "real soon," before adding, "if you knew when, you would not be wrong in thinking 'why are we just hearing about this now?'"

In related news, it was revealed last week that there is a blink-and-you'll-miss-it reference to Arrested Development in the Marvel blockbuster Avengers: Infinity War. Directors Joe and Anthony Russo helmed many episodes of Arrested Development, and placed an amusing Easter Egg in their Marvel epic. Click here if you want to know what it is.

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