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New Resident Evil Movie Gets First Teaser Trailer

Full thing coming on August 9.


Actress Milla Jovovich has released a teaser trailer for next year's Resident Evil: The Final Chapter. Posted on Twitter, the video sees one character ask, "What are we going to do?" Obviously, the response is, "We're going to kill every last one of them," referencing hordes of undead, probably.

There is also a glimpse of a motorcycle action scene. Take a look:

According to Jovovich, the full trailer will be released on August 9 as part of a Facebook Live Q&A. Check back with GameSpot then to see the video.

The Final Chapter is set to be released in January 2017, and is once more directed by Paul WS Anderson, Jovovich's husband. The previous Resident Evil film, 2012's Retribution, grossed $240 million worldwide, and the series has to date made more than $915 million globally.

Jovovich plays Alice. According to the actress, Alice is "more confident and strong" in The Final Chapter. Viewers will see sides of her that are entirely new for the franchise, she says. Overall, Jovovich describes The Final Chapter as "much more gritty and raw."

Given the title, The Final Chapter, it sounds like this could be the last movie in the Resident Evil film series, but that has not been confirmed.

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